In Brief
- Involved in design and fabrication of fired heaters since 1957.
- Can supply industrial and refinery type heaters, including gas train and burner, designed to Australian and international standards (AS 1210, AS 3814, API 560, NFPA, IEC etc.).
- Extensive range of products and services, listed below.
History, Product Range, Design Standards & Features
Uniquip’s involvement with fired heaters dates back to 1957, when K.C. Bottomley, one of the founding partners of the company, returned to Australia from the United Kingdom. Over the period 1957-1960, he acted as the process designer/sales representative for Birwelco (UK), who was the Commonwealth Licensee for Petrochem (USA).
In 1960, John Lysaght (Australia), with a large fabricating facility in Newcastle, became the Australian manufacturing licensee for Petrochem, with Uniquip continuing to act as process designer/sales representative. This continued until 1972 when Lysaght closed its Newcastle works.
After 1972, Uniquip continued to design and sell fired heaters, but without any overseas connection.
With these decades of accumulated experience, Uniquip continues to design and supply fired heaters to this day.
Uniquip have extensive experience with a comprehensive range of fired heaters, including:
- Hot oil heaters to refinery and industrial standards. Our industrial range of fired heaters includes the GKSS hot oil heater, more information on which can be found on our GKSS Hot Oil Heaters page.
- Regen gas heaters
- Steam superheaters
- Fired reboilers
- Feed heaters
- Charge heaters
- Start-up heaters
- Hot water heaters
- MEG heaters
- Gas heaters
- Uniquip can also provide design and fabrication services for hot oil systems. For more information, refer to our Hot Oil Systems page.
Uniquip design both vertical and horizontal heaters, and are well versed in international standards such as API 560. Uniquip supply the burners, fuel trains and control systems for the heaters to the preferred code of the client, such as AS 3814, NFPA, IEC etc.
The design of Uniquip’s fired heaters typically incorporate the following features unless otherwise agreed with the client:
- Natural or forced draught burners for oil, gas or dual-fuel operation
- Burners are selected for correct duty, flame pattern, stable operation, maximum turndown, and emissions to meet Australian Standards and the site’s EPA Licence requirements (as required)
- Adequate clearance between flame and tube coil to avoid flame impingement and ensure longevity of the unit
- Parallel coil runs to minimise pressure drop while maximising heat transfer and ensuring allowable film temperatures are not exceeded
- Vertical cylindrical or horizontal box type designs
- Access manways and header panels for inspection and maintenance
- High quality refractory brick, castable or ceramic fibre insulation
- Variety of design options, such as a convective section, to achieve the highest economic efficiency
- External or self-supporting stack at a height to meet site requirements (c/w helical strakes and rain shroud if required)
- Access ladders and platforms for testing and inspection (if required)
- Hazardous Area compliant (if required)
- System control equipment, as a typical minimum, includes:
- Burner Management System (BMS), controlling fuel valve train and burner firing rate
- Process fluid low level detection and interlock, typically at expansion tank
- Process fluid low flow detection and interlock, typically at heater outlet
- Process fluid high temperature detection and interlock at heater outlet
- Process fluid temperature controller at heater outlet
- Flue gas high temperature detection and interlock at heater stack
- Pressure and temperature gauges for local readings
- Typically, additional control measures will be added to a heater or system as a result of the project Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP), in which Uniquip will participate and provide advice
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61 Alleyne Street
Chatswood 2067
NSW, Australia
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Open Hours
M-F: 8am - 6:30pm
Sat/Sun: Closed